Escape Rape (sexual Assualt Prevention)

Be alert. Don’t assume that you are always safe. Think about your safety everywhere. Your best protection is avoiding dangerous situations.

❑Trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable in any situation, leave.

❑Always walk, drive, and park your car in well-lit areas.

 ❑Walk confidently at a steady pace on the side of the street facing traffic.
 ❑Walk close to the curb. Avoid doorways, bushes, and alleys.

❑Wear clothes and shoes that allow free dom of movement.

 ❑ Walk to your car with keys in your hand.

❑If you have car trouble, raise the hood and stay inside your car. If a stranger wants to help, have him or her call for help. Don’t leave your car.

 ❑Keep your car doors locked and never pick up hitchhikers.

❑Make sure all windows and doors in your home are locked, especially if you are home alone.

 ❑Never give the impression that you are home alone if strangers telephone or come to the door

If a stranger asks to use your phone, have him wait outside while you make the call.

❑If you come home and find a door or window open or signs of forced entry, don’t go in. Go to the nearest phone and call Post 1 or the local law enforcement authorities

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