3rd world war.. Britan ready for nuclear war with North korea

BRITAIN is ready for war if “reckless” North Korea starts a nuclear conflict, the Defence Secretary has warned.

Sir Michael Fallon said the UK was conducting a series of military drills alongside the US as tensions continue to rise with dictator Kim Jong-un’s regime.
As fears gather that the hermit kingdom’s missile launches could trigger World War 3, Sir Michael said Britain’s decision-making would be “rapid”.
And he revealed nuclear submarine crews at the Clyde naval base in Scotland are “ready” for war, should it breakout.

US warships have also been practicing shooting down missiles in drills off Scotland’s west coast, he said.
Sir Michael told the Daily Mail: “North Korean tests have shown the danger of rogue states developing longer range missiles.
“By hosting this cutting-edge exercise, Britain is at the forefront of developing a more effective response to this growing threat.

The US President has warned the secretive state would be “totally destroyed” if Kim Jong-un provoked a military conflict.
Sir Michael was speaking after holding security talks with Nato's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the 29 ambassadors of the North Atlantic Council at Clyde.
And he warned the UK’s nuclear deterrent was the only way to fend off Pyongyang’s military ambitions.

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