10 unsolved Misteries in the world

here are many unsolved mysteries in life even though science, technology, and research have come a very long way. Although we may demand a logical explanations for these mysterious things, as of now we will have to settle with mere speculations. Until these mysteries are resolved, enjoy our 10 greatest unsolved mysteries ever

The Moving Stone

The stones in Racetrack Playa slowly move across the surface itself without human or animal intervention. While Moving, these stones also leave a track before them. Some scientist believe it happen because of heavy wind while others claim that stones as heavy as human can’t move with wind so easily. Since, no one has ever filmed the stones moving, it is still among top unsolved mysteries.

The Blood Rain

 In 2001, from July to September, heavy rain fall sporadically in Southern Indian State, Kerala. It was not an ordinary rain, but a special one. The color of rain’s water was red. The clouds were spitting out blood. The Indian Government claimed it is because of airborne spores from locally prolific terrestrial alga. But a media report, published in 2006, claimed that the colored particles were extraterrestrial cells. Despite many research, it is still unknown. 

Jack the Ripper
Probably you might have Heard the name Jack the Ripper in Many Movies, Little did you know that in late 1800, A serial killer who murdered 11 women in London's east end but was never identified. Most of his victims were Prostitutes, whose throats were slashed and body were mutilated beyond recognition.

 Bermuda Triangle 

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a loosely-defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances

The Lost City of Atlantis
It has remained a tantalising mystery for thousands of years, but now a U.S. led research team believes it has found the legendary lost city of Atlantis.
Scientists claim to have pinpointed the exact location of the metropolis under mud flats in southern Spain.
The team of archaeologists and geologists are convinced that Atlantis -swamped by a tsunami - is submerged just north of Cadiz.

Severed Foot Beach in British Columbia

They appear on the sand like any piece of sea detritus. Sometimes they’re found, amid the candy wrappers and cracked shells, by volunteers cleaning up the area. Other times a vacationer might glimpse the grisly discard from the corner of her eye, a serene walk along the beach interrupted just like that.
As more people learned about these discoveries, they attracted morbid scavengers to the Pacific Northwest shorelines, where the Salish Sea connects waterways along the west coasts of the United States and Canada.
What these scavengers sought remains a prickling curiosity: severed feet attached to running shoes, washed up from origins unknown.
Sixteen of these detached human feet have been found since 2007 in British Columbia, Canada, and Washington state. Most of these have been right feet. All of them have worn running shoes or hiking boots. Among them: three New Balances, two Nikes and an Ozark Trail.
The most recent one turned up earlier this week.
Charlotte Stevens of British Columbia was taking a walk with her family on Vancouver Island, the CBC reported, when her husband spotted something in the sand.

DB Cooper

To this day, no one knows his real name but on Nov. 24, 1971, everyone in America was talking about the mysterious man who called himself D.B. Cooper. That day, Cooper hijacked Northwest Airlines Flight 305 and its 36 passengers using a briefcase that he said contained a bomb. "We will ask you to stay there until we get coordinated with our friend in the back," the pilot told the control tower after the plane landed in Seattle. Once $200,000 and several parachutes were delivered per Cooper's request, he demanded the plane fly him to Mexico. He also asked for the rear door to remain unlocked and the plane to be flown low and slow.
Cooper clearly had a plan, although officials didn't realize what it was until it was too late. While the plane flew to Reno, Nev. (ostensibly for a refueling stop), Cooper parachuted into the night. Despite the fact that law-enforcement officials in five different planes were tailing the jetliner, no one witnessed the jump. Though the FBI contends that Cooper couldn't have survived, it released new composite sketches in 2007 in hopes of closing the case.

Mackenzie Poltergeist in Greyfriars

Greyfriars Kirkyard is said to be the most haunted place in the world with over 500 paranormal ghost attacks having been reported since 1998.  A homeless man is supposed to have disturbed the slumbering soul of Lord Advocate Sir George Mackenzie, known as Bluidy MacKenzie by his victims. 
The slumbering ghost of Mackenzie was said to be quietly sleeping until a homeless man decided to break into the tomb in 1998 to search for antiques that could be sold. Unfortunately for him, while trying to get to the coffin, the floor of the vault gave way where he fell right into a pit of bodies from victims of a long-forgotten plague. This homeless man was then found screaming in terror while he escaped the cemetery and into the woods, never to be seen again.
Once the Poltergeist of Mackenzie was awakened, it found other victims soon after, like a lady who heard of the break-in and decided to take a look herself. She was said to have been standing on the steps of the tomb when she was sent flying by an unknown force. That’s not all. Another woman soon after the first incident was found unconscious near the tomb with markings and bruises on her neck indicating someone or something tried to strangle her to death.
After these events, the Mackenzie Poltergeist became famous through the internet with people coming from around the world to see if the stories and rumors about the ghost were true. Unfortunately, many visitors found out firsthand the reality of the situation when they found themselves being attacked and hurt without explanation. There is even photographic evidence that has many convinced of the malevolent spirit’s existence. Over 500 attacks by the Poltergeist have been reported with injuries ranging from unexplained burns, gouges to the abdominal region and neck as well as many broken bones in the fingers. There have also been women who have stated that they felt themselves being paralyzed for a moment because something was tugging their hair downwards.

Taman Shud case

Considered to be one of Australia's most profound mysteries, the Tamam Shud Case revolves around an unidentified man found dead in December 1948 on Somerton beach in Adelaide, Australia. Aside from the fact that the man could never be identified, the mystery deepened after a tiny piece of paper with the words "Tamam Shud" was found in a hidden pocket sewn within the dead man's trousers. (It is also referred to as "Taman Shud.")
The phrase translates as "ended" or "finished" and is a phrase used on the last page of a collection of poems called "The Rubaiyat" of Omar Khayyam. Adding to the mystery, a copy of Khayyam's collection was later found that contained a scribbled code (pictured) in it believed to have been left by the dead man himself.

 Voynich Manuscript

A book was found which originated from Italy from the 1400’s. It’s filled with strange illustrations and the language is totally different, in fact its unrecognizable. Language analysis suggests that its similar to European languages in syntax and formatting but to this day no one could decipher it. It has illustrations ranging from biology to astronomy to even recipes, sadly we can’t understand a word of whats going on. 

Which of These 10 unsolved mysteries do you think is most captivating Afro9jaland will love to hear from you drop your comments

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